
5 Reasons You Need A Blog For SEO Purposes

The art of marketing has taken an interesting path in the past five or ten years. Whereas “Do you have a website?” was a popular question for business owners, the additional follow-up question is now, “Do you have a blog or plan to have one?” Blogging: Your Next SEO Strategy…


4 Benefits of Word-of-Mouth Marketing

Word-of-mouth marketing, often called WOMM by those in the business or marketing world, is one of the most effective ways of marketing a brand, a business, or a product. Referring to spreading the word via conversation amongst consumers, word-of-mouth marketing is different from traditional marketing in that it is usually…


The Importance of Developing User Personas

If you are selling something online, you probably have heard about user personas and how important they are. A user persona is essentially the who, what, where, why, and how of the people visiting your website. They’re built off of extensive research and a deep knowledge of your audience. Developing…

If you are looking to launch an online business and ecommerce is needed, two of the heavy hitters are Magento and WordPress. Most of us have heard of Magento going hand in hand with ecommerce, but surprisingly The Magento vs. WordPress question can be tough, but with either way you…